QR Code expiry?

I have created a QR Code on your platform. Will my QR Code expire after a certain time period?

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Firstly, what do you mean by expiry?

Expiry can mean the QR Code use case or the QR Code itself.

If it’s the use case:

  1. The use case will expire if it’s a static QR Code. For example, if you use a static QR Code for a URL, you can’t change the URL or the content. If you want to do that, you’ve to create one from scratch.
  2. The use case won’t expire if you’re using a dynamic QR Code. You can reuse it multiple times and not create one from scratch.

If it’s the QR Code:

  1. Once you’ve created a static QR Code, users can scan it unlimited times. You don’t have access to scan analytics.
  2. For dynamic QR Codes too, users can scan it unlimited times. However, there is a limit to the time period for scan analytics.

For more details on the features and their limits, you can check the pricing page.

Hope this helps.