I have created a QR Code on your platform. Will my QR Code expire after a certain time period?
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Firstly, what do you mean by expiry?
Expiry can mean the QR Code use case or the QR Code itself.
If it’s the use case:
- The use case will expire if it’s a static QR Code. For example, if you use a static QR Code for a URL, you can’t change the URL or the content. If you want to do that, you’ve to create one from scratch.
- The use case won’t expire if you’re using a dynamic QR Code. You can reuse it multiple times and not create one from scratch.
If it’s the QR Code:
- Once you’ve created a static QR Code, users can scan it unlimited times. You don’t have access to scan analytics.
- For dynamic QR Codes too, users can scan it unlimited times. However, there is a limit to the time period for scan analytics.
For more details on the features and their limits, you can check the pricing page.
Hope this helps.