Will I lose QR codes if I cancel?

We are looking at cutting back costs and want to cancel our subscription for now, pending further review next year but we do have a few QR codes currently live. If I cancel the subscription, will they stop working?

Hi Sarah!

Thank you for your question, the short answer is: yes, they will stop working.

If you decide to cancel your subscription, the QR codes that are currently live will stop functioning, as they rely on an active subscription to remain operational. If you have any further questions regarding this or other topics, let me know!

Thank you. I have created some static QR codes too and wanted to check if those would still be available without an account, as I can’t see anywhere in the account they are stored?

Hi Sarah,

Unfortunately, the QR Codes won’t be active without an account.

Please note you can create static QR Codes with a free plan; you’ll still need an account though.

Hope this helps.

Hi there

I can not see the QR code on my account and can see that static ones can be made without an account. How can I check where this QR code is and if it’s in my account? I don’t plan on deleting my account, just cancelling the subscription so would it not still be in the account?

Thanks, Sarah